Due to the incorrect actions of some sellers, in order to reduce costs incorrectly, unfortunately, many sellers have been seen using inappropriate packaging to send goods. According to the rules set forth by IATA, the responsibility for packaging goods lies with the esteemed customers, and shipping companies and airlines do not accept any responsibility for damage to goods (due to the lack of expert packaging). In the meantime, only the recipient of the goods will ultimately suffer from this incorrect decision and choice through the expenditure of money, energy, and time. Therefore, to solve this concern and concern, BRE International Shipping and Express Mail Company, upon customer request, has taken this important step by entering into a contract with reputable packaging companies in China to improve the packaging or create new expert packaging, so that the concerns of esteemed customers about the improper packaging of their goods are resolved and they can safely take the remaining necessary measures.
Cantact us
BRE is the biggest region express company between china and Iran. We are specialized in door to door services (express shipping) from China to Iran. BRE is a locally owned international Express shipping company. Founded in June 06, and has gone from strength to strength to become The International Courier on your doorstep.
Whether it is residential shifting or commercial consignment, Capital Worldwide offers end to end logistics solutions irrespective of the place. The company’s reputation for excellence in the customs and freighting industry is well known. For a deeper look at our services, please visit our Services Page.
The company pride itself on it’s ability to ensure not only cost effective but also, provides best standards in customer service, time bound safe deliveries and door to door services which add to overall customer satisfaction.
BRE Express is committed to providing the best combination of service and value in expedited shipping. Through our global network of partners we can provide full set of air freight services, air cargo transportation, break-bulk shipping, warehousing and distribution, international moving, cargo insurance, PO management and tracking and tracing along with a array of other services. Ask us how we can stream line your logistics and help you save time, energy and money in your shipping.
We have excellent teams all over the China and we are committed to providing the most competitive rates. Please contact our sales department for a friendly quote. Customer references gladly made available to you upon request. We utilize an online express tracking system to keep our customers updated with their accounts as well as other developing shipping news.